When your posse of friends can’t decide which pizza joint to frequent on Saturday night, the determining factor typically comes down to the restaurants’ star rating – one of the fastest growing and most daunting tests that businesses take in today’s online-dependent world.

Reviews are progressively becoming a commonplace way of determining business and product choices by consumers. Five-star companies tend to attract more clients while those with a mixed bag of ones, twos and threes have a less steady stream of loyal customers.

Here are a few tips for your company to consider when pushing for positive reviews:

Take in the good, the bad and the miscellaneous

Reviews are created in an online forum, which means customers can talk to each other. The tone of the conversations may be hopeful or dreadful, but they do offer an unfiltered, honest place for clients to say what they truly think about your business.

Take note of the ebb and flow of what people are relaying. Are they reacting positively to changes you made recently? Are they happy with the way you are doing things?

Be the fly on the wall and keep an ear out for how everyone feels.

Put your customer service skills to the test

The review forum is a two-way street; it is up to you to approach comments with diplomacy.

Take suggestions that customers make to heart, and consider applying them. You may find that the online community will be pleasantly surprised if you do make changes based on their guidance, which could bolster your ratings. In turn, this can attract an even larger following.

According to BrightLocal, in 2015, 40 percent of consumers formed an opinion after reading one to three reviews. Seventy-three percent reacted after looking at one to six reviews. The moral of this story is more stars means more credibility and appeal for potential clients.

There will always be that “one” reviewer

Sometimes, a forum may have a reviewer that has oddball questions that seem to attract attention from curious eyes or customers with similar inquiries. Either way, this is your time to make an impressive play.

Answer questions honestly and provide clear-cut descriptions and reasons that cover everything the customers want to know. Doing so successfully will increase your chances of more clients and better ratings. Beating around the bush and sidestepping awkward scenarios could leave your reviewers with doubt.

Remember, your competition will gladly come up with answers if you don’t.

More reviewers are reviewing

Older generations are becoming more adept with computers, and younger people already rely heavily on the internet for purchasing guidance. With more eyes online, you need to get the most stars as soon as possible.

Now is the time to build your star and review portfolio to bring in those new-to-the-internet clients and Google gurus alike. Establish a positive vibe around your business and watch your ratings grow.

It only gets better with Google

Google’s algorithm looks at a number of factors when determining internet placement, and star ratings are important for businesses in local areas to get those lofty positions.

Search engines are aware of the most popular and credible companies. These tend to float near the top of searches, and they usually have an impressive star count.

Are you ready to collect some stars and good reviews? Let dezinsINTERACTIVE boost your ranking with our modern web design techniques and social media strategies. We can help you build your business’s reputation online and throughout your area. Contact us today!

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