Emend, previously known as Centsibility Organized, is Louisiana’s first Certified Professional Organizing company. Their team helps clients identify why the disorganization is happening and guides them through a five-step process that teaches the organizational skills necessary to maintain organization.
When our team approached this project, we focused on internal research to find the best way to express the company’s rename, without using a cliche’ term about organization. Emend, by definition, means to make corrections and improvements to. After the rename, we were able to transform their process, their logo, their website, and collateral into something that represented the word Emend. Their website allows for easy navigation, incorporates the process used in various ways, and is ADA compliant. From residential, commercial to specialized organizational needs, potential customers can now find the information they need with just a click of their mouse.
What We Did
Company Rename • Company Rebranding • Marketing Collateral Design
Website Development • Content Management System Software
