Do I Need a Website?

Do I Need a Website?

If you’re asking the question, the answer is probably “yes.”  I can’t say that every business needs one, nor can I say that every business is at a point in its development to need a top-of-the-line website.  What I can say is that any business...
Evaluate Your Website, Just Like Google Does

Evaluate Your Website, Just Like Google Does

What do you mean Google changed its algorithm again? We know, you just got used to the last update and then they always seem to release a new one. Of course, Google gives good reasons for each update. Every algorithm change moves us closer to more relevant search...
Picking the Right Digital Marketing Agency

Picking the Right Digital Marketing Agency

Your business or organization plan is all figured out. You have come up with a name, the finances and several other details, but how will you develop everything else associated with a business? Oftentimes, it starts with choosing the right digital marketing agency....
Engaging on Facebook Pages

Engaging on Facebook Pages

Today, most companies, organizations and other businesses have Facebook pages. The truth is, these pages are essential. Facebook has more than 1.4 billion active users per month. Just creating a page is only the beginning. Your page will not get generate customers and...
“Slacking” May Increase Productivity

“Slacking” May Increase Productivity

“There is a vast difference between activity and productivity. Quiet time thinking is a great way to focus on objectives, set priorities and then get the results.”— Kevin Conway Think for a second. How many times have you checked your phone or went off-task today at...
LinkedIn: Groups Give Different Angle

LinkedIn: Groups Give Different Angle

As of April 2015, LinkedIn has more than 350 million users. Its users are worldwide and exist in 200 countries and territories. Therefore, it’s imperative to establish a presence on the site. What does this mean for you? If you’re not on LinkedIn, you should be!...

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