E-Mail Marketing: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

E-Mail Marketing: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

My previous job involved sending out e-mail marketing pieces for two different divisions of our company.  I really had no relevant training and just kind of picked up the rules as I went along.  Fortunately, our company had invested in an e-mail service provider (ESP)...

Connecting on LinkedIn: Taking It One Level Deeper

We’ve all sent and received requests to connect on LinkedIn. When accepting requests on LinkedIn, I try to make sure that I have some personal relation with the individual. I feel that this is important because whomever I agree to connect with will have access...
Blogging Basics

Blogging Basics

What is Blogging? First, let’s start by defining what blogging really is. Easier said than done. In my opinion, a blog has two components: 1. The content is regularly updated, rather than being static, with content arranged chronologically 2. Readers can...

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